
The tasks of the herding breeds were diverse. In addition to keeping the flock together, they also performed a kind of protective function: they loudly signaled any strangeness, be it human or animal. Distrust was an expected behavior from them.
The shepherd did not tolerate his dog making friends with others, only the master and work existed for his constant companion.
This is why these dogs make a bond extremely quickly and closely with their owners, but they are usually distrustful of strangers.
Most pumi are sensitive and also temperamental, determined characters. These characteristics can be traced back to the herding past of the ancestors. The flock, or herd, consisting of hundreds of individuals, with the occasional agressive ram required a kind of toughness from the pumi, but in order to be able to be controled by its owner from a distance, it was also necessary to have a very sophisticated sensitivity towards him.

They have an incredible zest for life, with an overwhelming eagerness to please. The pumi is persistent and very loyal, willing to comply any task that the beloved master comes up with.
Although the majority of pumis born today are typically not going to be shepherd-dogs, we must not forget that behind the charming appearance lies a hard working personality who can only become a truly balanced companion with adequate physical and mental exercises.
The ever-expanding repertoire of today's dog sports offers plenty of opportunities for all of this, but we can also satisfy our pet's needs with long walks, hiking, and learning tricks at home.

So if we want a dog that is lively and studious, very enthusiastic, to whom the owner means everything and participates enthusiastically in every task, then we will surely find a treasure in the pumi.
We want to share this miracle with future owners through unique pairings and sustainance of old (type) bloodlines. We don’t keep aloof from "B" pedigree individuals, in fact, we are looking for them and their descendants as well.

Our bitches

Terelő-Tekergő Virgonc "Vircsi"

Our first pumi, the "boss-woman". Attentive and careful, a really devoted mother-type, nothing can escape her attention. She is an excellent herder, knows a lot of tricks, which she is happy to perform any time. She’s also extremely cooperative, always ready to learn or do something. The one, with whom is the easiest to live with. She loves to bring back sticks or balls.

dam: Terelő-Tekergő Málna
sire: Kaffogó Zabos
class: suitable for breeding
character test: excellent
HD-C, patella-free, DM N/N

Börzsönykerti Hűha Csermely "Cserge"

She is the most sensitive pumi in the pack. She pays attention and reacts to the vaguest intentions. She ’feels’ us like noone else. She is an excellent herding dog. Attentive, curious type. Easy to motivate, quick-learner.

dam: Catskill Díszes Dáma
sire: Nyírségfia Filkó
class: suitable for breeding
character test: excellent
HD-A, patella-free, DM N/N

Ludas Matyi Gilice "Fásli"

She came to us after she was one year old. We all worked hard to integrate her, but the change took a toll on her mentally. She is now a sterling pack member.
She herds excellently, and she's the most balanced when in work. She is the one who takes inactivity hardest.
Her hobby is searching for rats and other animals that live in the ground. Where Fásli starts digging, there is definitely a passage underground.

dam: Ménesvölgyi Tücsök
sire: Kisködmönös Csavargó Csángó
class: suitable for breeding
character test: excellent
HD-B, patella-free, DM N/N

Szívem Szittya Bejke "Perec"

She is our "rumpled princess". Perec knows that she is beautiful, and she likes to decorate herself accordingly – to this she usually uses plant parts suitable to her own fine taste, but sometimes she gets by with a thick plaster of mud.
She relates to her surroundings with the elegance of a princess: she doesn't flirt, she keeps her distance, she is extremely distrustful of strangers - she shows exactly the kind of old-fashioned behavior expected by shepherds.
She is the ’moderator’ of the pack, trying to keep the peace at all times. She radiates calmness around her.
She is still a beginner in herding, with promising signs.

dam: Terelő-Tekergő Virgonc
sire: Ludas Matyi Ördög
HD-B, patella-free, DM N/N

Szívem Szittya Dekli

The four-legged comedian. The fool of the pack - in a good way. Because she has enough intelligence and a sense of humor, she ensures the general good mood with her rightly placed jokes in the gang with her rightly placed jokes.
She is extremely inquisitive and open to the world but reserved towards strangers.
For she is still a child, we hasn’t yet tried her in herding.

dam: Terelő-Tekergő Virgonc
sire: Börzsönykerti Hűha Aranyos

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