In the beginning I asked a few shepherds, (some can still be
found today who work with dogs) about how to do proper herding and then, after
getting more or less usable advices I decided - whatever will happen - we'll try
Virgonc, our first pumi was already one and a half years old
then. By that time, an extremely close relationship had developed between us, she
could be called in under any circumstances, we learned a lot of tricks, that
is, we learned to work together, she already payed attention to my every of my signals.
So the foundations were solid.
I only observed her, how she relates to the goats, how she
positions herself, what she does in each situation. I encouraged her skill with
praise, and restrained her with a sharp word if she went too far in her initial
enthusiasm. A few times proved to be enough for us to roam further with more and more confidence, testing ourselves in different situations.